Being one of the leading law firms of Germany, we are also dedicated to training young talents and offer ongoing vocational training opportunities for lawyers.
More than one quarter of our lawyers have lectureships at more than ten universities and academies in total. In addition to transferring academic knowledge, they share valuable experiences from their daily legal work. This way we help improve the current standard of education in order to advance the quality of legal work.
Lecturer for real estate law at the Münster University of Applied Sciences.
Lecturer at the Faculty of Law at the University of Halle‑Wittenberg on data protection and digitalisation law.
Honorary professor at Humboldt University Berlin on German, European and International law of civil procedure, conflict of laws and litigation.
Lecturer at Freie Universität Berlin.
Lecturer for private building law at the University of Marburg; lecturer in a master course for building law at the University of Applied Sciences Münster.
Speaker of the Civil Law Section of the 68th German Lawyers' Conference. Honorary Professor at the Ruhr‑University Bochum.
Lecturer at Bonn University. Frequently lectures within the scope of specialist lawyer courses for construction and architects' law as well as administrative law. Frequent lecturer and speaker on procurement law and administrative law.
Regular lecturer on public procurement law topics, in particular on the awarding of planning and construction services.
Regularly lectures on public procurement law and teaches construction and architectural law at professional legal courses and at the Münster University of Applied Sciences.
Lecturer in master craftsperson courses at the NRW Training Center of the Construction Industry.
Lecturer in labour law for the German Lawyers Academy (DAA) and the German Lawyers Institute (DAI).
Lecturer at the TU Berlin on European State Aid Law/Energy Law.
Lecturer in construction and architectural law, honorary professor at Bochum University of Applied Sciences since 2024, regular lectures at IBR seminars, among others.
Lecturer at the University of Wuppertal.
Since 2021, she holds the Chair of German, European and International Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Commercial Criminal Law at Leuphana University Lüneburg.
Lecturer at the Humboldt‑University of Berlin.
Lecturer on construction law at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences.
Lecturer for commercial tenancy law at the Münster University of Applied Sciences.
Lecturer at the Cologne Rhenish University of Applied Sciences (Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln (RFH)) for International Business Law in the studies program Business and Industrial Engineering II (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen II).
Lecturer at the Philipps‐University Marburg in the LL.M.‐course Building Law and Construction Supervision and a lecturer at the Federal University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration in the Department of Civil Law.
Appointed professor at the University of Bonn in 2003.
Lectures and webinars on “Taxonomy Regulation and Nuclear Power”, o. a. in front of members of the European Parliament, the EWeRK e. V. at the Humboldt University in Berlin and at the Austrian Representation in Brussels, lectures e. g. at the „Stiftung Umweltenergierecht” and as a speaker at the 11th Speyer European Law Days.
Lecturer at the University of Marburg. Lecturer in property and civil law. Lecturer at the Bonn Regional Court for “Referendararbeitsgruppen”.
Teaches construction and architectural law at the professional school of Bochum.
Appointed extraordinary professor at the Rheinische Friedrich‐Wilhelm‐Universität in Bonn in 2009.
Lecturer in municipal tax law at the German Lawyers' Academy (DAA).
Lecturer at the Ruhr‑University Bochum.
Honorary professor at Humboldt University Berlin on administrative law.
Lecturer at the Deutsche Anwalt Akademie (DAA) and at vhw – Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e. V.
Appointed professor at the University of Mannheim in 2004.
lecturer at the University of Hamburg.
Leader of criminal law working groups and discussions of the written exam course for trainee lawyers.
Lecturer with the Technical University in Berlin.
Lecturer at the TU Berlin and at the RWTH Aachen. Honorary professor at the TU Berlin.
Regular lecturing activities, in particular for federal and state authorities. Lecturer in the specialist lawyer course for public procurement law at the German Lawyers' Academy.
Lecturer for data protection law at the FernUniversität in Hagen
Regular lectures and seminars in the field of construction and architectural law.
Regular lecturing and teaching activities on current topics of environmental law.
Lecturer at TÜV Rheinland Akademie GmbH (basic course for water protection officers).
Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Albert‐Ludwigs‐Universität Freiburg.
Lecturer at the Münster University of Applied Sciences.
Specialist lawyer lecturer of DeutscheAnwaltAkademie. Lecturer at the Hagen Law School – specialist lawyer courses (iuria GmbH).
Regular lectures and lecturers on current topics of product, environmental and construction law, including the corresponding compliance requirements.
Lecturer for Civil Procedure Law at the BSP Business and Law School – Hochschule für Management und Recht.
2006‐2014 lecturer for administrative procedural law and public economic law at the German Lawyers' Academy, teaching at the European Summer Academies of the Gustav Stresemann Institute Bonn e. V. in Bonn, Brussels, and Luxembourg since 1998; 2010–2015 trainer at IBR Seminare, Mannheim. In house seminars for companies, associations, and institutions.
Lectures and trainings on employment law topics, inter alia for HR professionals and tax advisors.
Lecturer on civil law, commercial and corporate law in the master's course on construction law during the life cycle of buildings at the technical college of Münster.
Lecturer for data protection law at the FernUniversität in Hagen.