Dr Cornel Potthast, LL.M.



Studied law in Cologne. 2010 first State examination, 2014 second State examination. 2010‐2012 scientific assistant with the chair for civil law and accounting and tax law of Cologne university and in a medium‑​sized business law firm. 2013 doctoral thesis with Prof Dr Joachim Hennrichs, Cologne. 2017 master's degree (LL.M.) in “company succession, inheritance, and assets” with Münster University

Joined the firm in 2015.


Inheritance law, care and provision, corporate law, litigation.

Member of the Executive Committee of the Working Group on Inheritance Law in the German Bar Association (Deutscher AnwaltVerein), co‑​editor of the ErbR journal for the entire practice of inheritance law (ErbR), member of the German Association for Inheritance Law and Property Succession (Deutsche Vereinigung für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge e. V. – DVEV), the Hereditare Scientific Society for Inheritance Law (Hereditare‑​Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erbrecht e. V.), the Working Group for Execution of Wills and Property Care (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Testamentsvollstreckung und Vermögenssorge e. V. – AGT) and the Bonn Bar Association.

Lecturer at the Ruhr‑​University Bochum.

Providing legal advice and acting as counsel for individuals, MSEs, trusts, associations, and prominent personalities. Our clients attach particular importance to ensuring that family discussions are not conducted under public scrutiny. Reference clients can therefore not be provided.


Publications on inheritance law, accounting law, and corporate law.



German, English

¹ member of the partnership with limited professional liability

Dr Cornel Potthast, LL.M.

Dr Cornel Potthast, LL.M.
specialist attorney for inheritance law

T +49 228 72625‐172
F +49 228 72625‐99


Lena Sophie Doppelgatz