Legal science meets legal practice

Redeker Sellner Dahs is known for its outstanding legal work. Many of our lawyers also teach law at universities or are otherwise engaged as legal scholars. We would love to have your support on our various projects. You will be involved in demanding research and learn more about the legal profession. As a research assistant you will:

  • work on memos and expert opinions
  • assist us with writing commentaries and essays
  • prepare lectures and speeches
  • learn more about legal policy mandates

Come and get to know us to see how we work together.

What we expect

Excellent legal skills, an agile mind and commitment. To work as a research assistant you will need to have passed your First State Exam (Erstes Staatsexamen). Depending on the type of work, we can make exceptions: if you are about to take the First State Exam, there is a good chance that we will have work for you. Occasionally we also employ dedicated applicants who want to work with us after their Second State Exam.

Send your application, including your summary CV, to the contact person at the office at which you wish to work. Please tell us on which areas of law you would like to focus and improve your skills.

We look forward to your application!


your contacts

Philipp Breuling
view details

Philipp Breuling

Leipziger Platz 3
10117 Berlin
T +49 30 885665‐277
F +49 30 885665‐99

Susanna Barthmann
view details

Susanna Barthmann, LL.M. (UNICRI/​UPEACE)

Leipziger Platz 3
10117 Berlin
T +49 30 885665‐132
F +49 30 885665‐99

Julia Tischler
view details

Julia Tischler

Willy‑​Brandt‑​Allee 11
53113 Bonn
T +49 228 72625‐141
F +49 228 72625‐99

Alexander Schüßler
view details

Dr Alexander Schüßler

Willy‑​Brandt‑​Allee 11
53113 Bonn
T +49 228 72625‐211
F +49 228 72625‐99

Friederike Dorn
view details

Dr Friederike Dorn

172, Av. de Cortenbergh
1000 Brussels
T +32 2 74003‐24
F +32 2 74003‐29

Leslie Manthey
view details

Dr Leslie Manthey, LL.M. (Cambridge)

172, Av. de Cortenbergh
1000 Brussels
T +32 2 74003‐23
F +32 2 74003‐29

Thomas Stickler
view details

Dr Thomas Stickler

Stentzlers Hof
Petersstraße 39‑41
04109 Leipzig
T +49 341 21378‐13
F +49 341 21378‐30

Theodor Shulman
view details

Dr Theodor Shulman, LL.M. (Harvard)

Maffeistraße 4
80333 Munich
T +49 89 2420678‐124
F +49 89 2420678‐69