Dr Friederike Dorn



Studied law in Heidelberg and Montpellier (France). 2012 first State examination, 2019 second State examination. 2012 to 2016 research assistant at the Chair for Civil Law and Insolvency Law at the University of Heidelberg. 2018 doctoral degree with Prof Dr Andreas Piekenbrock, Heidelberg. 2019 Research Award of the Section for ‘Insolvency and Reorganisation’ within the German Bar Association. 2017 to 2019 legal traineeship with stations, among others, at the Representation of the State of Rhineland‑​Palatinate to the EU and the European Commission (DG Justice and Consumers).

Joined the firm in 2019.


German and European antitrust law, merger control, compliance, EU law.

Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht, Belgian‑​German Lawyers' Association

Advising and representing numerous companies and authorities in antitrust damages proceedings; representation of national and international companies in antitrust and European law complaints proceedings, in particular before the European Commission; ongoing advice to companies and associations in the area of antitrust compliance.


Publications on comparative law, insolvency and corporate law.



German, English, Dutch, French

Dr Friederike Dorn

Dr Friederike Dorn

T +32 2 74003‐24
F +32 2 74003‐29


Dagmar Tang
Marie Morize