Industrial property rights and copyright

Intellectual property and know‑​how are a company's creative capital. We understand their value and worth. In an increasingly digitised world, protection of these assets is becoming ever more important. Our advice focuses on the protection of your creative achievements and the safeguarding of your interests in the fields of copyright, industrial property rights and unfair competition.

Our fields of legal advice:

  • Protection strategies for intellectual property: strategic advice and detailed trademark and property right searches and analyses as well as registration, monitoring and defence of property rights worldwide
  • Copyright law and artificial intelligence (AI): we support you in the legal assessment of copyright issues in connection with the use and development of AI technologies
  • Licensing and contract law: we draft and negotiate licence agreements for copyrights, trademarks, know‑​how and inventions
  • Law enforcement and dispute resolution: we advise and act as your counsel in defending against unjustified third‑​party claims arising from copyright and other intellectual property rights; in the event of infringements by third parties, we support you with our many years of litigation experience and resolutely enforce your claims
  • Copyright protection on digital platforms: we help you to effectively protect and enforce your copyright on digital platforms such as social media platforms or online marketplaces
  • Advice on unfair business practices: we review advertising measures and advertising statements in terms of their admissibility and help out when competitors behave unlawfully
  • Legal editing: we review publications in advance from a copyright perspective


Our clients include domestic and foreign companies from a wide range of industries, from listed companies to start‑​ups, including advertising agencies, internet service providers and film productions. We also advise associations and collecting societies as well as scientific institutes, authorities, agencies and other public sector organisations.

lawyers in Industrial property rights and copyright


