We advise and act as counsel for religious communities of different denominations and church institutions on a broad scale, both with regard to their business affairs and in connection with legal problems that they face. Our clients include national and international associations and religious communities as well as individual religious communities, including a considerable number of church institutions in connection with their social activities and efforts to preserve national monuments.
Our work includes:
A special focus in recent years has also been on providing comprehensive legal advice in connection with investigations in connection with the sexual abuse scandal in the domain of the church.
Our excellent and trusting relationship with clients from the area of church institutions and religious communities is also due to our comprehensive knowledge and understanding of structures and religious‑political contexts. In addition to our professional expertise, clients also benefit from our extensive experience in the political and policy‑formulation sphere.
We are a potent and effective partner for church institutions and religious communities. Just get in touch with us.
Prof Dr Peter‑Andreas Brand
Leipziger Platz 3
10117 Berlin
T +49 30 885665‐115
F +49 30 885665‐99
4 More London Riverside
London, SE1 2AU
T +44 20 77882555
Axel Groeger
Willy‑Brandt‑Allee 11
53113 Bonn
T +49 228 72625‐151
F +49 228 72625‐99