
In order to assist our clients and keep them constantly up to date on the latest developments in the field of law, the law firm attaches a great deal of importance to academic research in the respective areas of law. Members of the firm are co‐editors of legal journals and authors of commentaries and monographs; many partners and associates publish commentaries on legal issues in their respective areas of specialization. Use the form on the right to retrieve lists of publications by author, organized by essays and monographs.

Aengenvoort, B. list of publications
Augustin, J. list of publications
Backes, H. list of publications
Barthmann, S. list of publications
Beck, F. list of publications
Bender, Ph. list of publications
Birnkraut, U. list of publications
Blätgen, S. list of publications
Böllhoff, C. list of publications
Bracher, Chr.-D. list of publications
Brand, P.-A. list of publications
Breuling, Ph. list of publications
Brings-Wiesen, T. list of publications
Brünkmans, C. list of publications
Dierksmeier, M. list of publications
Dingemann, K. list of publications
Dorn, F. list of publications
Eckart, Chr. list of publications
Fellenberg, F. list of publications
Feske, I. K. list of publications
Finster, C. list of publications
Flotmann, M. list of publications
Frank, M. list of publications
Frieser, A. list of publications
Frydel, B. list of publications
Gafus, T. list of publications
Ganske, M. list of publications
Geller, A. list of publications
Genske, A. list of publications
Gerstner, S. list of publications
Glahs, H. list of publications
Glasmacher, C. list of publications
Göpner, P. list of publications
Groeger, A. list of publications
Hempelmann, M. list of publications
Hobusch, A. list of publications
Holtmann, C. list of publications
Hummel, Ph. list of publications
Hürter, D. list of publications
Hüttemann, S. D. list of publications
Johann, Chr. list of publications
Kampmann, Ph. G. list of publications
Karpenstein, U. list of publications
Kessler, H. W. list of publications
Klein, L. list of publications
Köhler, M. list of publications
Könneke, A. M. list of publications
Kottmann, M. list of publications
Krebühl, D. list of publications
Kreuzer, L. list of publications
Kunz, E. list of publications
Lehr, G. list of publications
Leidig, A. list of publications
Lesch, H. list of publications
Ley, J. list of publications
Lieber, P. list of publications
Lübbert, F. list of publications
Lüders, J. list of publications
Ludwig, K. list of publications
Lünenbürger, S. list of publications
Lutsch, Chr. list of publications
Manthey, L. list of publications
Masing, T. list of publications
Mensching, Chr. list of publications
Merkens, D. list of publications
Messerschmidt, B. list of publications
Müssig, B. list of publications
Neuhöfer, D. list of publications
Okonek, A. list of publications
Pieper, J. list of publications
Pommer, S. list of publications
Potthast, C. list of publications
Reichert, R. list of publications
Reicherzer, M. list of publications
Reidt, O. list of publications
Reiter, K. list of publications
Reuters, E. list of publications
Rietdorf, M. list of publications
Römling, D. list of publications
Rosenfeld, A. list of publications
Roth, W. list of publications
Sangi, R. list of publications
Schäfer, L. list of publications
Schäfer, P. list of publications
Schefer, L. list of publications
Scheidmann, H. list of publications
Schiller, G. list of publications
Schink, A. list of publications
Schippers, Ch. list of publications
Schlüter, M. list of publications
Schröck, T. list of publications
Schuck, S. list of publications
Schulz-Große, S. list of publications
Schumacher, O. list of publications
Schüßler, A. list of publications
Sellner, D. list of publications
Shulman, Th. list of publications
Snjka, D. list of publications
Söns, U. list of publications
Steinbarth, S. list of publications
Stickler, Th. list of publications
Stirner, T. list of publications
Stomper, K. list of publications
Tysper, S. list of publications
Van Schewick, F. list of publications
Wefing, C. list of publications
Welker, K. list of publications
Wildfeuer, S. list of publications
Winkelmüller, M. list of publications
Wirtz, A. list of publications
Wittmer, F. list of publications
Wulff, J. list of publications
Ziegenhorn, G. list of publications