Criminal investigations are a stress test for companies and individuals. We provide our clients with guidance and advice on how investigations can be avoided from the outset.
When subjected to a search or summoned to attend a hearing, it is important to remain calm and focussed even when allegations appear to threaten your very existence. We help our clients set the right course with tailored and strategic advice from the start.
We defend our clients at all stages of the criminal proceedings – from the preliminary proceedings to the appeal. Working in interdisciplinary teams with our specialists from our other practice areas, we will provide you with competent advice from a single source on the full range of criminal commercial law, compliance, and administrative offences. We provide companies with advance advice to help them make the right business decisions and where necessary pull experts into the case to ensure that investment decisions are set on a legally sound footing.
Your defence lawyers and advisers on white collar crime. Contact us.
Medium‑sized and large companies, DAX‑listed companies, authorities and ministries, managers, executives and private individuals.