Whether to outsource work or using your own employees, how to employ and assign employees without discrimination, promote and bind know‑how, how to observe compliance when problems in the employment relationship arise, to reorganise companies, to cooperate successfully with works and personnel councils, to organise separation processes – these are just a few questions from the vast array of employment issues on that our firm provides prudent and integrated advice. Our employment team features specialised lawyers who have sound experience across the full spectrum of employment and social security law.
Our extensive experience with courts and supervisory authorities enables us to provide our clients with sound strategic advice and solutions tailored to clients’ unique needs. The increasing impact of social security law on labour relations, but also the psychological aspects of the counterpart, the workforce or of the company’s contract partners, that often need to be taken into consideration, require versatile and complex legal advice that our seasoned experts are able to give. Both on the company- and on the employee‑side, clients benefit from our deep understanding of the emerging legal and business issues.
As a matter of principle, we do not name clients/references. Our clients include numerous public employers, above all federal ministries and legally independent public institutions, research institutions, church and charitable employers, companies from the sector trade, services and production, individuals.