Susanna Barthmann, LL.M. (UNICRI/UPEACE)

senior associate


Studies at the University of Passau, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) and Humboldt University Berlin. 2017 first, 2020 second state examination

Legal traineeship in Berlin with stations at the Berlin Public Prosecutor's Office, the German Foreign Office, a major international law firm in the area of white‑​collar crime and in a law firm specializing in criminal law in Berlin. Subsequently, master studies (LL.M.) in international criminal law, international law and international human rights at the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) in Turin (Italy) in cooperation with the UN‑​mandated UPEACE (Costa Rica).

2022 Joined the firm.


Criminal law (esp. commercial and environmental criminal law, general criminal law, international criminal law incl. international criminal law), ESG (esp. supply chain law, international (criminal) law, human rights), Administrative offense law

Awarded by Wirtschaftswoche as top law firm in white‑​collar criminal law (2024).

Member of the Wirtschaftsstrafrechtliche Vereinigung e. V.

Advising and defending individuals from business and politics, internationally operating large corporations and medium‑​sized companies, private individuals; advising companies on criminal and regulatory offences law; criminal proceedings with international aspects; proceedings with human rights aspects.


Barthmann, S. Neues zum Konfrontationsrecht des Beschuldigten aus Art. 6 Abs. 3 lit. d EMRK. In: Der Jurist 2015, p. 109 ff.


German, English

Susanna Barthmann, LL.M. (UNICRI/UPEACE)

Susanna Barthmann, LL.M. (UNICRI/UPEACE)

T +49 30 885665‐132
F +49 30 885665‐99

Vera Specht