Studied law in Saarbrücken, Geneva, and Munich. 1997 first State examination, 1999 second State examination. Doctoral degree with Prof Dr Jarass, Münster.
Tutored bar review seminars in Munich and Augsburg from 1997 to 2000.
Joined the firm in 2000. Graduate Studies of law at Cambridge University, LL.M., 2001‐2002.
Infrastructure and transport, planning law, public economic law, European and national environmental law (in particular nature conservation law, water law, emissions control and waste management), energy law, mining law, constitutional law, European law, State liability.
ecognized by JUVE as “leading advisor in public commercial law (planning law and constitutional law)". Recommended by Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers in the ranking “Germany's best lawyers” in public commercial law and environmental law and recommended as “Lawyer of the Year 2021” in environmental law Listed by Legal 500 as a leading name and recommended in the sector focus on energy, environmental and planning law Recognized by Wirtschaftswoche as a “Top Lawyer in Environmental and Construction Planning Law” (since 2020) and in the “Legal All Stars” ranking at number 1 in Environmental and Construction Planning Law (2022). Awarded by Chambers in Environmental and Planning Law (since 2022).
Member of the Board of the Society for Environmental Law e. V.
Member of the Board of the Working Group for Administrative Law of the German Bar Association, Berlin – Brandenburg – Mecklenburg‑Vorpommern Regional Group.
Member and European representative of the Environmental Law Committee of the German Bar Association.
Co‑editor of the Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ). Co‑editor of the journal Klima und Recht (KlimR).
2012‑2013 Member of the project advisory board for the evaluation of the use and impact of the options for collective redress under the Environmental Remedies Act (BMUB/UBA); 2016‑2017 Member of the Innovation Forum for Planning Acceleration at the BMVI. 2018‑2022 Member of the Advisory Board for Spatial Development at the BMI. Frequently invited as an expert on federal and state legislative projects.
Lecturer at Freie Universität Berlin.
Consulting on infrastructure projects, in particular energy (e. g. EUGAL, Kontek, COBRAcable, Hansa Power Bridge, 380 kV Salzgitter industrial line and various on/offshore renewable energy plants) and transportation (e. g. DB new railroad line Frankfurt/Mannheim; underground line 5 „Kanzlerlinie“ Berlin, underground line 5 Hamburg; federal highways A 7 and A 26 Hamburg, A 20 Lower Saxony, A 143 Saxony‑Anhalt, A 72 Saxony; airport BER); mining law approval procedures, industrial plants; environmental due diligences and procedure management in approval procedures (including various 380 kV line projects as well as gas and hydrogen pipeline projects); authorized representative in numerous fundamental environmental law proceedings.
Fellenberg/Guckelberger, Klimaschutzrecht, 2022; Schink/Fellenberg, GK WHG, 2021; Kerkmann/Fellenberg, Naturschutzrecht i. d. Praxis, 3rd ed. 2021; Fellenberg/Kment (ed.). Taxonomy Regulation: Taxonomy Regulation (EU) 2020/852: Commentary. Munich, Beck 2024; Stelkens/Bonk/Sachs, VwVfG, 10th ed. 2023; Landmann/Rohmer, UmweltRechtsbehelfsG u. FluglärmG; Lütkes/Ewer, BNatSchG, 2nd ed. 2018; Jarass/Petersen, KrWG, 2nd ed. 2022; Beck'scher AEG Kommentar, 2nd ed. 2014; Redeker/Uechtritz, Anwaltshandbuch Verwaltungsverfahren, 4th ed. 2020.
German, English, French
¹ member of the partnership with limited professional liability
Dr Frank Fellenberg, LL.M. (Cambridge)
specialist attorney for administrative law
T +49 30 885665‐183
F +49 30 885665‐99
Dana Petrović-Wiersch
Michail Enew