Dr Simone Lünenbürger

associate partner¹


Studied law at the University of Mannheim. 1994 first State examination, 1999 second State examination. Legal traineeship in Kiel, Speyer and Bonn, incl. the Ministery of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.

From 1994 to 1997, research associate at the Lorenz‐von‐Stein‐Institute for Administrative Law Studies at the Christian Albrecht University of Kiel, Germany. 1994 and 1955 freelance work as a lecturer.1998 doctoral degree with Prof Dr von Mutius, Kiel.

Joined the firm in Bonn in 1999, resident in the Brussels office since 2010.


State aid law, EU law, ESG, Antitrust and cartel damages law

Recommended by Legal 500 in State aid.

Member of the registered association “Berlin Discussion Group on European State Aid Law”, Member of the German Law Association “Administrative Law Working Group” for the Land of North Rhine‐Westphalia.

Lectures and webinars on “Taxonomy Regulation and Nuclear Power”, o. a. in front of members of the European Parliament, the EWeRK e. V. at the Humboldt University in Berlin and at the Austrian Representation in Brussels, lectures e. g. at the „Stiftung Umweltenergierecht” and as a speaker at the 11th Speyer European Law Days.

Advisory and expert activities as well as representation of ministries, public and private companies and associations in state aid law in national courts, European Courts and the EU Commission (e. g. regarding Nord/​LB and Condor), special expertise in the banking, energy, airport, forestry and shipping sectors as well as regarding environmental aid, damage aid regarding COVID and natural disasters (e. g. the flood disaster in the Ahr valley) and services of general economic interest (SGEI), comprehensive advisory work on questions of ecological sustainability within the meaning of the Taxonomy Regulation, cartel damages proceedings, e. g. regarding the “Lottokartell” and the “Rundholzkartell”.


Publications on state aid law, the Taxonomy Regulation (both in English and German) as well as on regulatory, environmental tax and financial constitutional law, a. o. author at the „Münchener Kommentar“ regarding European and German Competition Law as well as at the „Beck‑​Kommentar“ on the Taxonomy Regulation, 2024, legal opinion “Nuclear Power and the Taxonomy Regulation”, legal expert part of the report “State aid for a Green Recovery” and “Implementing the Green Deal: Integrating Environmental Protection Requirements into the Design and Assessment of State Aid”, EStAL 2020, 418 et seq., research reports for UBA/​BMU “EU state aid policy – Analysis of the effects of the new state aid law with special regard to the instrument of ex‑​post evaluation” (together with E.CA Economics, Berlin) as well as “Legal analysis of the concept of environmentally related additional costs in the environmental aid guidelines.



German, English, French

¹ not a member of the partnership with limited professional liability

Dr Simone Lünenbürger

Dr Simone Lünenbürger

T +32 2 74003‐22
F +32 2 74003‐29


Dagmar Tang