Prof Dr Alexander Schink

of counsel


Studied law in Münster. first state examination in 1976, second in 1979. 1979‑1981 administrative judge in Münster. 1983 doctorate at the University of Münster. 1983‑1988 District administration in Mettmann. 1988‑1992 Director of the Freiherr‑​vom‑​Stein Institute. 1992‑2005 in the Landkreistag NRW, first as Assistant Secretary for Environment and Planning, later as Chief Executive. 2004‑2005 Member of the Broadcasting Council of WDR. 2005‑2010 State Secretary in the Ministry of the Environment NRW.

Joined the firm in 2010.


Environmental law, planning law, conservation law, waste management law, constitutional law.

Listed in the Handelsblatt/​Best Lawyers ranking “Germany's best lawyers 2024” in environmental law.

Member of the Board of the Society for Environmental Law.

Lecturer at the TU Berlin and at the RWTH Aachen. Honorary professor at the TU Berlin.

Acting as legal counsel for the North‑​Rhine Westphalian road agency in an action against development consent to the renovation of motorway A1’s Rhine bridge in Leverkusen/​Cologne. Acting as legal counsel for the city of Cologne in a lawsuit over noise pollution caused by people celebrating at Brüsseler Platz. Acting as legal counsel for the Land of Hesse and the cities of Berlin and Hamburg in legal proceedings concerning updates of the air quality plan / the imposition of diesel driving bans. Expert advisor and legal support in the legislative process leading to an extension of shop opening hours on Sundays and public holidays by amendment of the North‑​Rhine Westphalian Act on Shop Opening Hours. Legal advice and acting as legal counsel for chemicals enterprises in plant approval proceedings.


Alexander Schink/​Andrea Versteyl, Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz, Kommentar, 2nd edition 2017, Alexander Schink/​Olaf Reidt/​Stephan Mitschang, Gesetz über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung, Umweltrechtsbehelfsgesetz, Kommentar, 2nd ed. 2023, Eckard Rehbinder/​Alexander Schink, Grundzüge des Umweltrechts, 5th ed. 2018.



German, English

Prof Dr Alexander Schink

Prof Dr Alexander Schink

T +49 228 72625‐145
F +49 228 72625‐99

Melanie Irrgang