Daniel Hürter



Studied law in Bonn. 2005 first State examination, 2011 second State examination. Research assistant at Redeker Sellner Dahs 2005‐2010 (private construction law).

Joined the firm in 2011.


Litigation, private construction and Real Estate Law, Commercial (contract law for the procurement, production and Distribution of goods).

Listed by Wirtschaftswoche as “Top Lawyers in Construction Law (2024)" and “Law Firm of the Year in Construction Law (2024)".

Member of ARGE Building Law — Working Group for Building and Real Estate Law in the German Bar Association.

Lecturer at the University of Wuppertal.

Litigation for companies and public institutions in complex litigation proceedings. Regular appeal proceedings before the Higher Regional Courts and assistance in appeal proceedings before the Federal Supreme Court. Representation in interim relief proceedings. Advice to corporate groups and medium‑​sized companies on the drafting of construction and supply contracts. Advice on claims for damages in the event of compliance violations.

Advice during the construction of the infrastructure project „Tunnel Hirschhagen“; comprehensive advice and representation regarding the collapse of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne in 2009; numerous legal representations in connection with new hotel buildings; comprehensive advice during construction and numerous legal representations in major construction projects on the part of the client and contractor.


Publications on private construction law, esp. co‐author of Messerschmidt/​Niemöller/​Preussner, Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure.


¹ member of the partnership with limited professional liability

Daniel Hürter

Daniel Hürter
specialist attorney for construction and architectural law

T +49 228 72625‐165
F +49 228 72625‐99


Katja Schedletzky