Dr Matthias Ganske



Studied law at Humboldt‐University in Berlin. 2002 first State examination, 2005 second State examination. 2004 doctoral degree with Prof Dr Hans‐Peter Schwintowski.

Joined the firm in 2005.


Public procurement law, fiscal legislation (fees, contributions, water board contributions, waste water charges), pricing law, public commercial law, environmental law.

Recommended by Legal 500 in public law/​procurement. Listed as top attorney in public procurement law (since 2018) and environmental and construction planning law (2024) by Wirtschaftswoche. Awarded “Germany's Best Lawyers 2024” in Environmental Law and Public Law.

Vice chairman of the preexamination board for specialized procurement lawyers at the Cologne Bar Council, member of the Board of Trustees of the Association for the Support and Promotion of the Institute for Water and Waste Management Law at the University of Bonn (IRWE e. V.), member of the administrative law working group North Rhine‐Westphalia of the German Bar Association, of the procurement law working group of the German Bar Association, and of the German procurement network (DVNW).

Lecturer at Bonn University. Frequently lectures within the scope of specialist lawyer courses for construction and architects' law as well as administrative law. Frequent lecturer and speaker on procurement law and administrative law.

Legal advice and acting as counsel for public entity clients and bidding companies in connection with awards procedures in the fields of construction & planning, IT, education & research, health & social affairs and public services (waste disposal, water, sewage), including any implications from the perspective of budgetary, municipal, subsidy and state aid law; legal advice in connection with urban development contracts, privatisation and re‑​municipalisation projects and all forms of cooperation between public entities and restructuring (in‑​house transactions, inter‑​municipal cooperation contracts, foundings of special purpose associations, etc.).; acting as counsel in public procurement review procedures, civil damages proceedings for breaches of public procurement law as well as administrative and administrative court proceedings involving the reclaiming of subsidies as a result of breaches of public procurement law. Legal advice on levies and pricing issues and acting as counsel before court in(precedence‑​setting) proceedings (all the way to the Federal Administrative Court) both for the public sector and its subsidiaries as well as for companies in the fields of industry, trade and agriculture.

Public and procurement law advice to federal and state ministries/​senate administrations in connection with various projects of administrative digitisation, especially in the area of e‑​government and implementation of the Online Access Act (OZG).


Editor of “Faire Vergabe: Wegweiser für eine nachhaltige kommunale Beschaffung”, Kissing, 2023. Co‑​editor and commentary on §§ 98, 99, 159 GWB, § 5 VgV, § 5 VOB/A and § 5 EU VOB/A in: Münchener Kommentar zum Wettbewerbsrecht, Vol. 3: Vergaberecht I / Vol. 4: Vergaberecht II, 4th ed. Munich, 2022; co‐author in Reidt/​Stickler/​Glahs, Kommentar zum Vergaberecht, Kapellmann/​Messerschmidt, commentary on VOB parts A and B, Landmann/​Rohmer, Kommentar zum Umweltrecht.



German, English

¹ member of the partnership with limited professional liability

Dr Matthias Ganske

Dr Matthias Ganske
specialist attorney for administrative law
specialist attorney for procurement law

T +49 228 72625‐166
F +49 228 72625‐99


Kathrin Kretschmann dos Santos
Ulrike Oferath
Maren Simon