Studied law in Mainz. 1996 first state examination in law. 1996–1999 research assistant to Prof. Dr. Christoph Enders in Mainz and Leipzig. 2001 doctorate with Prof. Dr. Joachim Wieland, Bielefeld. Legal traineeship at the Regional Court of Leipzig with stations at the Saxony State Directorate and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research/Prof. Dr. Köck, Leipzig. 2002 second state examination in law. Since 2003 attorney at law in Leipzig.
Joined the firm in 2016.
Public economic law, water and transport law, fiscal law, public construction and planning law.
Lecturer in municipal tax law at the German Lawyers' Academy (DAA).
Legal advice for a municipality in Schleswig‑Holstein in its capacity as a waste‑water‑disposal entity in an approval procedure involving a large residential housing provider from an immission control law perspective. Legal counsel for a water‑supply company in a Thuringian city as joined party in a legal dispute involving an immission control plant approval permit. Municipality in Saxony, statute‑review proceedings against a development plan.
Ongoing legal advice for various authorities in the water/wastewater sector (special purpose associations, municipality's own operation, public‑law agencies) in the execution of approval procedures for the expansion of their plant, issue of hook‑up and discharge permits, conclusion of special agreements, all matters involving contributions and fee collection, drafting of statutes, support in class‑action proceedings, refinancing of road‑drainage costs, interdisciplinary cooperation with other authorities, including legal advice on municipal tax law for a regional authority in connection with the introduction of a guest tax, regular legal advice for investors, cities and municipalities in the negotiation and drafting of urban development contracts, e. g. to ensure planning and development costs are covered, legal advice on the preparation of development plans and supervision of statute‑review proceedings challenging development plans for various companies in the food industry, support in hearings, objection and complaint proceedings on issues relating to subsidy law due to the rejection of applications for subsidies and reclaiming of subsidies
Regular legal advice and acting as counsel for the public sector before court in apportionment proceedings, support in expropriation proceedings.
Various publications on expropriation law, local law, and environmental law. Co‐author in Christ/Obecke, Handbuch Kommunalabgabenrechtt, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2nd ed. 2022; as well as Eckart/Winkelmüller, BeckOK Infektionsschutzrecht, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2nd ed. 2023 (online in constant update).
German, English
¹ not a member of the partnership with limited professional liability
Dr Sophia Pommer
T +49 341 21378‐11
F +49 341 21378‐30
Stefanie Schmidt
Birgit Schön