Studied law at the Humboldt University in Berlin. first state examination in 2015, second state examination in 2018. Legal traineeship with stations at the Federal Ministry of Health and the Society for International Cooperation in Cambodia, among others. 2018 Research associate at IKEM – Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility. 2019 to 2022 Research assistant at the Chair of Public Law and Law of Digitalization at Bielefeld University (Prof. Dr. Thomas Wischmeyer), where he is also working on a PhD in public law.
2022 Entry into the law firm.
Data protection law, law of digitalization, IT security
Advising and representing national and international companies, institutions and associations in matters of data protection law, in particular in the data protection‑compliant design of processes and business models; representation in proceedings before data protection supervisory authorities and administrative courts; consulting for companies (including KRITIS operators) on IT security obligations; representation of companies and the public sector in contentious proceedings regarding IT security law issues.
Schumacher, O. Relevanzzuschreibungen im Recht der Pandemie. In: GSZ 2021, p. 155 ff.
Wischmeyer, Th. and Schumacher, O. Grundsatz des fairen Verfahrens – nicht gespeicherte Messdaten, Anmerkung zu OLG Hamm, Beschluss v. 25.11.2019 – 3 RBs 307/19. In: RDi 2020, p. 61 ff.
Ellner, M., Pfeifer, F. and Schumacher, O. Die Mobilitätszentrale aus öffentlich‑rechtlicher Perspektive. In: ZUR 2019, p. 153 ff.
German, English
Dr Oskar Schumacher
T +49 30 885665‐295
F +49 30 885665‐99
Laureen Pempel
Vanessa Breier