Leonie Born, LL.M.



Studied law at the University of Leipzig. first state examination in 2021, second state examination in 2024. Prior to that, postgraduate studies in European Integration Law (LL.M.) at the University of Leipzig and the University of Warsaw and Bachelor's degree in Law in Context (LL.B.) at TU Dresden.

2018 Worked for a medium‑​sized company in the field of data protection law. 2019–2021 Scientific work at the German Research Institute for Public Administration in the program area “Transformation of the State in Times of Digitalization” under the direction of Prof. Dr. Mario Martini. 2021–2024 Legal clerkship, including stations at the Schwerin Administrative Court and in two law firms specializing in migration law.

2024 Joined the law firm.


Public procurement law, public commercial law

Advises and represents contracting authorities and bidding companies in national and pan‑​European procurement procedures as well as in review proceedings under public procurement law and damages proceedings.


German, English, French, Spanish

Leonie Born, LL.M.

Leonie Born, LL.M.

T +49 228 72625‐220
F +49 228 72625‐99


Kathrin Kretschmann dos Santos
Ulrike Oferath
Maren Simon