Dr Leonhard Kreuzer



Studied law in Freiburg (Albert Ludwigs University), London (King's College) and Berlin (Humboldt University), sponsored by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service. first state examination in 2015, second in 2023. From 2015 to 2017 research assistant at a major international law firm in Berlin in the field of public commercial law. From 2017 to 2022 research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg/​Berlin. 2022 PhD on cybersecurity from an international law perspective at the Free University of Berlin, nomination by the Faculty of Law for the Ernst Reuter Prize for outstanding dissertations at the Free University of Berlin. Legal traineeship at the Court of Appeal (station at the Berlin‑​Brandenburg State Social Court, among others).

Joined the firm in 2024.


Data protection law, digitalization law, IT security law, public commercial law

Advises and represents companies and institutions in the structuring of processes and business models in compliance with data protection regulations; represents companies and institutions vis‑à‑vis data protection supervisory authorities; advises and represents federal and state authorities in the context of digitization projects in public administration (e. g. portal projects in OZG implementation on federal and state level). including portal projects in the implementation of the OZG at federal and state level); representation in social court proceedings, in particular regarding the admissibility of the processing of health and social data; advising companies (including KRITIS operators) on IT security obligations.


Publications on digitization and international law.



German, English

Dr Leonhard Kreuzer

Dr Leonhard Kreuzer

T +49 30 885665‐199
F +49 30 885665‐99


Vanessa Breier