Dr Kristina Stomper

senior associate


Studied law in Bonn and Uppsala (Sweden). First State examination in 2016, second State examination in 2019. 2016 to 2021 research associate at the University of Bonn, until 2019 at the Chair of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law as well as International and European Criminal Law, until 2021 at the Institute of Commercial and Business Law. 2020 doctoral thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Daniel Zimmer, LL.M. on a topic related to antitrust criminal law, supported by a scholarship of the Arbeitskreis Wirtschaft und Recht. 2017 to 2019 legal traineeship, including stations at the German Federal Cartel Office and the German Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Joined the firm in 2021.


German and European antitrust law, merger control, European law, compliance.

Providing legal advice and acting as counsel for companies and authorities in cartel damages and cartel fine proceedings, in the area of cartel law compliance and in the area of distribution cartel law.


Stomper, K. Kriminalisierung von Hardcore‑​Kartellrechtsverstößen: Eine grundlegende Untersuchung zur Frage der Zulässigkeit und Zweckmäßigkeit und zur Frage der effektiven, system- und verfassungskonformen Umsetzung. Baden‑​Baden, Nomos 2021.

Stomper, K. and Stirner, T. Zur Frage der Wettbewerbsbeschränkung im Beschluss der Kommission Fall AT.40178 – Pkw‑​Emissionen. In: WuW 2022, p. 242 ff.

Stomper, K. Kartellrechtlicher Schadensersatz bei mehrgliedrigen Absatzketten: Art. 12 – 15 der Schadensersatz‑​Richtlinie und § 33c RefE‑​GWB. In: WuW 2016, p. 410 ff.


German, English

Dr Kristina Stomper

Dr Kristina Stomper

T +49 228 72625‐276
F +49 228 72625‐99


Gabriele Frenkel