Karolin Ludwig

senior associate


Studied law in Bonn. first state examination in 2019, second state examination in 2022. Legal traineeship at the Regional Court of Cologne, with stations at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and at Redeker Sellner Dahs in Bonn, among others.

2022 Joined the law firm.


Public procurement law, Public Commercial Law, Environmental Law.

Advises and represents public clients and bidders in connection with public procurement procedures, including in the areas of IT, education & research, health & social affairs, construction & planning and services of general interest (waste disposal, water, sewage). Representation in review proceedings under public procurement law and civil proceedings for damages due to breaches of public procurement law. Advising bidders in assessing the legality of procurement procedures. Repeated advice on the requirements and limits of a product‑​specific invitation to tender. Advising a state ministry on the possibility of structuring certain cooperation models free of public procurement law in the context of the ongoing (OZG) digitization of public administration. Legal representation in connection with the applicability of public procurement law in the triangular relationship under social law. Advising and representing the public sector, public companies and private economic operators on general administrative law, environmental law (in particular land protection law) and tax law issues.


Publications on public procurement and administrative law



German, English

Karolin Ludwig

Karolin Ludwig

T +49 228 72625‐296
F +49 228 72625‐99


Kathrin Kretschmann dos Santos
Ulrike Oferath
Maren Simon