Irina Kirstin Feske



Studied law in Berlin. 2000 first State examination. Worked in the legal department of a large energy supplier in Berlin 2000‐2001. 2003 second State examination. Lawyer in Leipzig since 2003.

Joined the firm in 2007.


Private construction and property law, public procurement law, privatisations.

Awarded as “Law Firm of the Year 2022 in Construction Law” by Handelsblatt/​Best Lawyers. Listed by Wirtschaftswoche as “Top Lawyers in Construction Law (2024)" and “Law Firm of the Year in Construction Law (2024)".

Acting as counsel in court and legal advice for a consortium of engineering companies in connection with the six‑​lane extension of a Federal motorway in Lower Saxony.

Acting as counsel and advising an energy supplier in connection with the construction of a new gas storage facility in Saxony Anhalt.

Acting as counsel for a general contractor in several court cases related to a hospital construction project in Thuringia.

Providing legal advice to a research institute and acting as counsel for it in court proceedings concerning the construction of a new institute in Thuringia.

Advising the developer of a construction project on the extension of the main administrative building of a bank in Brandenburg and drafting the contracts.


Stickler, Th. and Feske, I. K. Die In‑​House‑​Vergabe von ÖSPV‑​Dienstleistungen nach der VO (EG) 1370/2007. In: VergabeR 2010, p. 1 ff.

Feske, I. K. Toleranz beim Baukostenlimit? In: BrBp 2005, p. 60 ff.


German, English

Irina Kirstin Feske

Irina Kirstin Feske

T +49 341 21378‐11
F +49 341 21378‐30

Stefanie Schmidt
Birgit Schön