Studied law in Munich. First state examination in 2017, second state examination in 2020.
Legal traineeship at Munich I Regional Court, with practical stages including the construction department of the government of Upper Bavaria, a major law firm in the field of real estate law and a medium‑sized law firm in Mexico City.
Research assistant at two law firms in Munich from 2017 to 2019.
Joined the law firm in 2020.
Private Construction and Real Estate Law, Architectural and Engineering Law, Real Estate Business Law, Contract Law, Litigation.
2024 Rising Star and 2025 Leading Associate in Construction and Real Estate Law at Legal 500. Awarded “Law Firm of the Year 2022 in Construction Law” by Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers. Awarded by Wirtschaftswoche as “Top Lawyers in Construction Law (2024)" and “Law Firm of the Year in Construction Law (2024)".
Consulting and litigation in real estate matters; contract drafting for commercial real estate; Extrajudicial and judicial representation of companies and public institutions in construction and architectural disputes; legal participation in major construction projects.
Merkens, D. and Finster, C. Abrechnungsverhältnis: Wiederholung einer bereits vor dessen Eintritt gesetzten Frist erforderlich? Anmerkung zu: OLG Koblenz 1. Zivilsenat, Urteil vom 15.12.2022 – 1 U 516/22. In: JurisPR‑PrivBauR 2023, issue 9, annot. 3.
Winkelmüller, M. and Finster, C. Geplante Verschärfungen des Arbeitsschutzes bei Asbest‑Arbeiten. In: ARP – Arbeitsschutz in Recht und Praxis 2022, p. 339 ff.
Reicherzer, M. and Finster, C. Baulandmobilisierung durch Gesetz? Was bringt die BauGB‑Novelle? In: ZfIR 2021, p. 149 ff.
Eichberger, T. and Finster, C. Die Vollmacht des Architekten und Eigenhaftung bei vollmachtloser Auftragserteilung. In: AnwZert BauR 2019, issue 1, annot. 2.
German, English, Spanish
Cornelia Finster
specialist attorney for construction and architectural law
T +49 89 2420678‐257
F +49 89 2420678‐69
Barbara Grüner