Dr Sebastian Steinbarth, LL.M.



Studied law in Hanover and Leuven (Belgium). 2000 Magister Legum Europae (MLE) at Hanover University, 2002 first State examination, 2004 Magister Legum (LL.M.) at K.U. Leuven, 2004‐2006 research assistant at Hanover University, 2007–2009 legal traineeship with stages in the antitrust/​competition practice group of an international business law firm in Hamburg and at the General Court of the European Union in Luxembourg, 2009 second State examination, 2010 doctoral degree with Prof Dr Jörg‐Detlef Kühne, Hanover. Since 2010 lawyer in Frankfurt and Brussels.

Joined the firm in 2013.


German and European antitrust law, merger control, compliance, anti‐dumping, EU law, constitutional law.

Member of the Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht, the Kartellrechtsforum Frankfurt am Main and the Belgian‑​German law association.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Albert‐Ludwigs‐Universität Freiburg.

Extensive experience in national and international antitrust damage compensation proceedings (e. g. e‑​commerce, air freight, trucks); regular defence of companies and individuals in antitrust fine proceedings (e. g. confectionery, building material sectors); regular legal advice and acting as counsel for national and international companies in the field of merger control; ongoing legal advice to a commercial enterprise on online sales; many years' experience in tailor‑​made compliance programmes and in‑​house training.


Various publications on antitrust law, EU law and constitutional law. Co‑​author in “Loewenheim/​Meessen/​Riesenkampff/​Kersting/​Meyer‑​Lindemann: Kartellrecht – Kommentar“ and “Beck'scher Onlinekommentar Kartellrecht“.



German, English, Dutch, French

¹ member of the partnership with limited professional liability

Dr Sebastian Steinbarth, LL.M.

Dr Sebastian Steinbarth, LL.M.

T +32 2 74003‐24
F +32 2 74003‐29


Marie Morize
Laura Holdsworth