Prof Dr Christian Zeissler

University lecturer in cooperation
Professor at the North Rhine‑​Westphalia University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration¹


Studied law at the University of Cologne and legal traineeship at Bonn District Court. first state examination in 2007, second state examination in 2010. Assistant at the Seminar for Philosophy of State and Legal Policy at the University of Cologne (Prof. Dr. Depenheuer). 2013 Doctorate on an immission control law topic at the Westfälische Wilhelms‑​Universität Münster (Prof. Dr. Jarass).

Between 2010‑2018 worked as a lawyer in the law firm (2014‑2018 as a specialist lawyer for administrative law).

Since 2018 holder of a professorship for administrative law at the North Rhine‑​Westphalia University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration (HSPV NRW)

Cooperation with the law firm since 2024.


Environmental and planning law, in particular public building law, immission control law, water law, soil protection law, Nature conservation law, mining law and specialized planning law as well as in public Commercial law.

Member of the Society for Environmental Law e. V.


Publications on public building law, immission control law, water law, administrative procedural law and general administrative law.


German, English

¹ Not admitted to the German bar.

Prof Dr Christian Zeissler

Prof Dr Christian Zeissler

T +49 228 72625‐290
F +49 228 72625‐99