Dr Moritz Gabriel

senior associate


Studied law in Bonn, Vilnius and Münster. first state examination in 2016, second state examination in 2018. Legal traineeship at the District Court of Nuremberg‑Fürth (Higher Regional Court District Nuremberg), with stations, among others, at an international commercial law firm and a specialized boutique. 2018 Training in business mediation.

From 2016 to early 2019, research assistant at the Chair of Public Law and European Law at the University of Erlangen‑​Nuremberg. There also doctorate on a procedural law topic.

2019 Joined the law firm.


Litigation; Civil and Commercial Law

Legal advice to companies and the public sector in various areas of civil and commercial law; extensive litigation representation before civil courts, but also before administrative and constitutional courts.


Publications inter alia in EU law, namely on procedural law issues.


Dr Moritz Gabriel

Dr Moritz Gabriel

T +49 228 72625‐234
F +49 228 72625‐99
