Florian Beck

senior associate


Studied law in Berlin. First state examination in 2011, second in 2018. Legal traineeship at the Berlin Court of Appeal, including positions with the Governing Mayor of Berlin and commercial law firms in Berlin and Washington, D.C.

Joined the firm in 2018.


Environmental Law, Planning Law, Mining Law, Construction and Planning Law, Public Law, Constitutional Law.

Advising and (procedural) representation of project developers and approval authorities in infrastructure projects (inter alia on the planning approval procedures under trunk road law for the construction of the A 20 motorway – 1st construction section and the extension of the A 7 motorway – Altona Deckel). Advice on issues of mining law, nature conservation law and regional planning law in connection with opencast mining projects; advice and (procedural) representation of project developers in immission control, waste and water law proceedings.


Masing, T. and Beck, F. Rechtsfragen der Grundabtretung und Besitzeinweisung nach dem BBergG. In: NuR 2024, p. 224 ff.

Beck, F. Leipzig locuta causa finita? Geklärte und ungeklärte Fragen zur Präklusion nach § 6 UmwRG. In: Dona Scripta 2020.a, Kay Arthur Pape gewidmet 2020, p. 23 ff.

Florian Beck

Florian Beck
specialist attorney for administrative law

T +49 30 885665‐222
F +49 30 885665‐99


Dana Petrović-Wiersch
Michail Enew