Studied law, French and history in Mainz and Hanover. Legal training in Hamburg and Brussels. 2009 first State examination, 2017 second State examination. 2009‐2012 research assistant at the department of Public Law, European Law and Legal Philosophy as well as lecturer at Leibniz University Hanover. 2012‐2013 graduate studies at Cambridge University (Magdalene College), LL.M. (first class honours). 2020 doctoral degree with Prof. Dr Ulrich Haltern, LL.M. (Yale).
Joined the firm in 2017.
State Aid Law, European Law, Public Commercial Law, Antitrust Damages.
Member of the German Women Lawyers Association and the German Cambridge Society.
Advising and representing corporate entities, public authorities and bodies and private individuals on all aspects of State Aid Law, including proceedings before the EU Commission and litigation before the German Courts and EU Courts (e. g. in the case of Condor); special focus on Energy and Environmental Aid measures, SGEI and aid in connection with indirect taxes (betting, gaming and lottery duties, VAT); legal advice for an enterprise from the chemicals and pharmaceuticals sector in a complaint procedure before the EU Commission involving the common value‑added tax system (VAT) and the free movement of capital; acting as counsel in proceedings before the national courts and the European Court of Justice relating to parallel imports within the EU (Case C‑681/16); cartel damages proceedings, including on “round timber”.
Published on EU law, German public law and public international law. Co‐author in Säcker/Karpenstein/Ludwigs, Münchener Kommentar zum Wettbewerbsrecht, Vol. 5: Beihilfenrecht, 4th edition 2022 (AGVO).
German, English, French
Dr Leslie Manthey, LL.M. (Cambridge)
T +32 2 74003‐23
F +32 2 74003‐29
Laura Holdsworth